Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Next For Progressive Demcrats?

For me, all of the debate about healthcare only gives support to those who, like myself, say: "A pox on both your houses." It has become increasingly clear that both parties are in thrall of the corporate oligarchs who actually control and manipulate the economic, legal and political institutions of this country.

We can find, support and elect any number of progressives to Congress, but eventually, each will be destroyed, compromised or co-opted by the same systemic rot which has destroyed American democracy (see E Massa).

Is it not time to recognize and ACT on the reality that working inside the system will never bring the kind of systemic change that is needed?

I believed that in the '60s (Hippie), turned inward in the '70s to change the world by changing me (Yippie), succumbed to the culture of greed in the '80s (Yuppie, & DINK), went bankrupt in the '90s (Deadbeat), and gradually became an outraged Progressive in the millennium.

Now, full circle, I am coming to believe again that revolution is the only way, that a well educated people, secure in body, mind and spiritually renewed, and schooled in the real meaning of democracy, are the goals that Progressivism must seek, without regard to party or any other political creed.

Realistic? I don't know. But I know that the idea of capturing the heart and mind of the Democratic Party has not worked and ignores the reality of our current situation.

The Greeks got democracy right the first time: Participatory. When things get really lousy, elect a term limited dictator.
Jefferson also had t right when he advocated a revolution every generation.